Archive | November 2002

Time For A Change

After a six year roller coaster ride experiencing and producing Detroit and Ann Arbor independent events SBA needed a break. Domestic relations were taxed to the limit and professional aspirations became unclear. For two years SBA refocused, enrolling in an award winning Computer Graphic Technology program, taking on outside internships, instructing digital imaging classes and working marketing jobs for large revenue-generating organizations. After being accepted to a British University work program in the summer of 2006, a badly needed change came about in November 2002 with a temporary relocation to London, England. Here over the next six months of exploring a future in event productions Detroit By Design was conceptualized. Events with Gucci, the BBC, Tower Bridge, The Savoy Hotel, the Oxford and Cambridge Club, The Natural Museum of History, Mike Clark and Diana Gomez influenced the architecture of DBD with hundreds of sketches, notes, drawings, clippings and memories kept in an old French scrap book.